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To be a steward of something means to conserve it; to give it attention and care, to cherish it, to be its guardian, to protect and sustain it, and to keep it safe.

Annual Giving (Pledges)

UUFC is a self-supporting congregation, which means that every aspect of our religious life together is financially supported by us – the members and friends of UUFC.  As we work together to fulfill our mission, it is important to gather the necessary funds to pay for the programs and work of the church, including worship and music, religious education, pastoral care, social justice projects, and new ministries. We also need to cover the salaries of the ministers and staff, and for the operation and maintenance of our facilities.​


Every pledge, no matter the amount, is needed and appreciated. Imagine what your own act of generous giving will do toward our shared mission!  It takes every one of us to support the mission of UUFC and our beloved community.

​What Is A Pledge?


A pledge is a promise to donate a certain amount of money to UUFC during its fiscal year, which runs from January 1st through December 31st of any given year.


All pledges go into the UUFC’s Operating Fund and are disbursed in accordance with the approved budget for that year.

Make Your Pledge!


Simply print, complete, and return a pledge form, or contact the UUFC Office at for further assistance.


Return your completed and signed pledge form to a member of the Stewardship Team, Financial Council or Board of Trustee, drop it in the Sunday collection basket, or mail it to:


Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Clemson

Attn: Stewardship Team

230 Pendleton Road

Clemson, SC  29631

How Much Should I Pledge?


Consider what UUFC means to you and its importance in the larger world.  Then choose the pledge amount that feels both right and generous. Keep in mind that with each year expenses rise with inflation and increases in your contribution are welcome.


The Fair-Share Guide, a tool provided by the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and adapted for UUFC.
It suggests three levels of giving, in relation to annual income.


In general, we ask that you seriously consider an annual pledge of 5% of your annual household income. We understand that we all have varied circumstances. If 5% is simply not possible, please contribute an amount that is significant for you, representing your commitment to UUFC, to your personal growth, and to relationships within the community.

Fair Share
Planned Giving

Planned Giving

Planned giving is an important way to be stewards of our great liberal religious heritage. It is the act of planting the trees to provide shade for future generations. 

Giving is one of life's great satisfactions, especially when you know that your gifts will improve the lives of others. 
Your gifts may be made in remembrance of loved ones, or to honor a special occasion or special person. 


Most gifts received by UUFC are made without restrictions as to how they will be spent. Unrestricted gifts are preferred, and allow UUFC to apply the donation where the support is most needed. However, gifts for special purpose are also welcomed.


Ways To Give:​


Gifts Given During Your Lifetime




Bequests Made In Your Will




Annuities that provide you lifetime income


Designating UUFC as the beneficiary of an insurance policy, retirement, or bank account

Frequent Questions


What is planned giving?

Planned giving is a thoughtful way of making a charitable donation that helps the church and also helps the donor. It usually is done with long-term benefits in mind.


Why should I make a gift to UUFC?

People have different reasons for making gifts – to honor a loved one, to express appreciation, or to enable new opportunities. People who make gifts to UUFC appreciate what this community has meant to them, and want to see our liberal religion endure and thrive.


How can I be sure that my gift will be wisely used?

In most cases, donors have worked hard for what they have and want to leave a legacy. They give willingly, but want to know that their gifts will have a lasting impact. Our Board takes such gifts very seriously for the long-term good of UUFC, and understands that by using these gifts wisely for long-term purposes, we encourage generosity and promote a culture of giving that will sustain us for the future.


Will my gifts be publicly recognized?

Public recognition is currently given for donors who have passed and left a bequest to the UUFC. However, we are happy to reflect the donor’s wish for either recognition or anonymity.


What are my options for giving?

There are many ways to make planned gifts, ranging from simply writing a check to setting up a special trust. The best choice depends on your goals. You may wish to consult with your legal and financial advisers on the tax consequences of various forms of giving, such as transferring appreciated property or naming UUFC as the beneficiary of a retirement account or insurance policy.


Is planned giving only for wealthy people with complex estates?

No. Small gifts are as welcome as large ones. We have received very generous gifts from people of modest means. All gifts are a statement of belief in our principles, and are helpful, appreciated and respected.


Do I need an estate planning attorney?

For significant giving, you certainly need an estate plan. An estate plan can be a will or a trust, simple or complex. It ensures that your assets will benefit those you care about most. Because there can be serious financial consequences, and because we cannot provide legal advice, we strongly recommend that you consult a responsible professional.


Can I donate real estate or property?

Yes. However, for gifts or bequests other than cash or publicly traded securities, your proposed gift needs to be approved by the Board of Trustees. UUFC reserves the right to decline donations that it judges to be unsuitable.


Can I specify how my gift is used?

Yes, but ...    UUFC welcomes gifts earmarked for special purposes, if that purpose is aligned with the general purposes of the church. Such gifts are said to be restricted. Since unrestricted gifts provide us with greater flexibility, they are preferred. But we will gratefully accept restricted gifts that support our mission.


Do gifts and bequests offset the need for pledging?

No.  In general, annual operating expenses are expected to be paid for through pledge fulfillment and other annual income, such as the proceeds from fundraisers. They are the foundation for keeping the doors open day in and out, year-long.

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