Our Children & Youth classes seek foremost to introduce our young people to the world around them in a safe environment.
Our young people explore the wonder of nature, world spirituality, UU principles the significance of world culture, social justice and many other topics through a lens of mutual respect and personal introspection.
Our Sundays
Our Children & Youth classes seek foremost to introduce our young people to the world around them in a safe environment.
Our young people explore the wonder of nature, world spirituality, UU principles the significance of world culture, social justice and many other topics through a lens of mutual respect and personal introspection.
Elementary Learners
Kindergarten through 3rd grade (Ages 5 – 8)
Spirit Play, modeled partly on the Montessori method of learning, encourages children toask questions of wonder. The stories focus on the themes and historical UU’s explored by the congregation each month, as well as earth-based holidays, social justice and some of our basic UU lessons.. To reinforce the day’s theme, children have independent work time as part of the lesson.
Advanced Learners
4th through 7th grade (Ages 9-12)
CartUUns uses animated shorts from Pixar and Disney as the basis for discussion about the values inherent in Unitarian Universalism. These short animated films run only 3-11 minutes long, making it easy to keep a child’s attention. Discussion and fun activities help to contact the message of the films to our Unitarian Universalist principles and keep children engaged and coming back for more.
8th through 12th grade (Ages 13 -18)
Our teens work with their adult advisors to plan a variety of activities for the group, fromformal lessons to fun and fellowship events. Past activities have included planning andleading a worship service, overnight lock-ins, and field trips.

Nursery Ages 4 & Under
The nursery remains closed for deep cleaning and new staff hires. Nursery aged children are welcome to
remain in the sanctuary with their families. Our Peaceful Play space is available for all ages every Sunday
morning, and children may take an activity bag to their seats if they prefer. The rocking chair is reserved
for adults with infants or toddlers. In addition, parents or guardians are invited to take active or fussy
children to the Social Room, and watch the service on the monitor there.
Campus Ministry
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and transition in ministry staff, our Campus Ministry Group
is currently on hold.
If you are a local college student and wish to learn more about our congregation,
please contact the Director of Lifelong Faith Formation.
Current members wishing to volunteer for campus ministry should contact the
Program Council Chair for first steps.