As Unitarian Universalists, we are committed to positive change within our community and the Beloved Community at large.
The Social Action Committee has active groups working towards social and environmental justice and support of various charities in the area with donations and volunteerism.
.Programs that UUFC supports financially often receive substantial in-kind assistance through hours of volunteer time provided by members. This volunteer component allows UUFC members and friends to act collectively on their faith.
Collective Activism
Our fellowship finds meaning in the sharing of our different lives and experiences and recognizes the value in every individual.
As a congregation, we join together in support of many Unitarian Universalist and interfaith efforts to improve our society in the name of peace, liberty and justice.
Welcoming Congregation
Initiated by the Unitarian Universalist Generally Assembly in 1989, the Welcoming Congregations Program through training to recognize the struggles of LGBTQ+ people and create an environment of acceptance and inclusion.
UUFC was the first to receive the Welcoming Congregation designation in South Carolina in 2004, confirmed by congregational vote in 2005.

Clemson Area Pledge to End Racism
In 2018, a congregational debate on whether to raise a Black Lives Matter banner resulted in a commitment to looking more deeply into the challenge of unconscious racism and white privilege. The response was a multi-congregational effort under the title of the Clemson Area Pledge to End Racism, spearheaded by Rev. Balof and UUFC, and mirroring the Richmond Pledge to End Racism.
As of 2022, UUFC participates in CAPER with 12 other local supporting congregations and organizations.

South Carolina UU Justice Alliance
Founded in 2021, SCUUJA is the South Carolina state action network for UU congregations.
SCUUJA allows congregations within SC to connect on local and regional social action issues such as education, the environment, immigration, LGBTQ+ justice, voting access, Women's reproductive rights.
Side With Love
Launched by the UUA GA in 2009 in response to the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church shooting, the Standing on the Side of Love campaign to actively challenged exclusion, oppression, and violence based on sexual orientation, gender identity, immigration status, race, religion, or any other identity.
Since its inception, the UUA has transitioned to the Side With Love campaign, encompassing LGBTQ+ equality, anti-racism work, reproductive justice, inclusive representation, immigration and the rights of incarcerated people.
We began our participation in 2010, withthe tradition of re-imagining Valentine’s Day as a social justice holiday. Since 2012, this event has evolved into the “Thirty Days of Love“ –a month-long spiritual journey and commitment to sustained action and service.

Green Sanctuary
Originally an outgrowth of the Seventh Principle Project, to imagine what it would look like if congregational life reflected the seventh Principle of Unitarian Universalism, “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.” The Green Sanctuary Program evolved as a call to carry out a series of actions addressing various environmental issues.
In 2006, delegates to the UUA General Assembly adopted the Statement of Conscience on the Threat of Global Warming/Climate Change-arguably the clearest and strongest statement on that subject by a religious institution to date.
UUFC formed a Environmental Action Committee in 2004 and was designated a Green Sanctuary in 2006. In 2017, we recommitted to our Green Sanctuary Pledge.

Community Action
The UUFC Benevolence Program is our way of providing financial support to various local charities that combat hunger, homelessness and social inequality. The UUFC contributes 25% of all undesignated cash received in Sunday collections to four non-profit agencies on a rotating basis.
Individuals can also write checks payable to UUFC by designating in the check memo line that 100% be for the benevolence of the month.
Community Care
Clemson Community Care is Clemson's local food bank. In addition to food programs, CCC also assists with needs such as school supplies and hygiene products.
Benevolence Months: March, July, November
Ripple of One
Ripple of One provides material and educational resources and financial literacy to low-income families in the Upstate. Ripple seeks to end generational poverty by supporting families emotionally as well as their physical needs.
Benevolence Months: February, June, October
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity builds homes for people who would not otherwise have a place to call their own.. Habitat builds in collaboration with the future owners because everyone, everywhere should have a healthy, affordable place to call home. When a family helps build or improve a place they can call home, they are also building a better community, a better life for themselves. UUFC has been engaged with Habitat in Pickens and Oconee Counties since the 1980s.
Benevolence Months: April, August, December
Clemson Child Development Center
Clemson Child Development Center was created in 1968 by members of our Fellowship and has operated with support from our congregation and others in the community. The Center offers affordable, quality child care and pre-school education and fosters learning and development in an environment that appreciates diversity. Emphasis is also given to programs that strengthen the home environment, enabling families to provide the optimal development of their preschool children.
Benevolence Months: January, May, September
UUFC participated in it's first "reboot" build on Saturday, June 23, 2022. Members helped start building a deck on a new home in the Liberty area.
Building skills are not required to participate. If you are handy with a hammer and power tools, there will be tasks for you. If a paint brush or a shovel is more your speed, we can use your help.
To join in, please contact Gordon Crain.
Volunteers provide a bi-monthly Monday evening meal for the 35 homeless people at Our Daily Rest Shelter in Seneca.
To participate contact ourdailyrest@uufc.org