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What is Unitarian Universalism?


Unitarian Universalism is a liberal religion -- that is, a religion with an open mind to the religious questions people struggle with in all times and places.


We are a "non-creedal" religion: we do not ask anyone to subscribe to a formal code of beliefs.


Rather, each member is encouraged to embark on a conscientious, life-long quest for religious, spiritual or moral beliefs in which they come to feel deeply they personally believe. We believe that personal experience, conscience and reason should be the final authorities in religion, and that religious authority lies not in a single book or person or institution, but in ourselves.

What do you believe?


Unitarian Universalists have a wide variety of personal beliefs, and we celebrate those differences rather than letting them divide us. We meet to discuss the big questions about life, death, divinity, spirituality, and our own personal experiences that all people struggle with.

Our congregations do our best to abide by our Seven Principles, meant to remind us to pursue a life of love and respect.


We draw our teachings from the Six Sources, which include the wise teachings of many religions, the words and lives of prophetic people and the direct experience of each individual.

How do you choose your leadership?


The 5th principle calls us to utilize the democratic process within our congregations whenever possible. 


Every congregation is slightly different. At UUFC, all final decisions regarding the appointment of volunteer, ministerial or other paid staff are approved by congregational vote.


UUFC relies on the generosity of our members and the sound decision-making of our Financial Committee. Naturally, we are transparent in our budget process and spending.


Are there a lot of Unitarian Universalists?​


As of 2020, there were 800,000 Unitarian Universalists in 1,048 congregations in over 30 countries worldwide. Each congregation is governed democratically by its members, but we are all a part of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA)

Why do you have such a long name?​


Unitarianism and Universalism were once both seperately evolving, liberal denominations, which merged in 1961 to form the Unitarian Universalist Association. Some older congregations still carry either Unitarian or Universalist in their name.


Most of us think it's long too, so we often shorten it to UU.

Why do you have so many meetings?


Many UU's believe that our greatest contributions are in service to one another and to others.


Naturally, we have a lot of work to do. But it's okay, we have coffee (and tea)!

How do you protect children and vulnerable people in your congregations?


We value every person who steps through our doors, whether you are a visitor or member, child or adult. UUFC has worked hard through the years to develop congregational policies that avoid placing individuals in situations where harm might occur. Additionally, we have written policies in place that direct our leadership responses to any harm that might occur.


COVID 19 Response

Child Protection Policy

Policy on Sexual Misconduct and Sexual or Physical Abuse or Harassment

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A Unitarian Universalist FAQ

We are a living faith tradition of people who believe in the calling to create a world we can all share without fear.


We come from many religions (or no religion), cultures, backgrounds and geographic origins.

Terms you might hear:

Beloved Community - a term used by MLK to describe a radically inclusive and equal society where we live in consideration of the needs of our neighbors


Clemson Pledge - or "The Pledge" or "CAPER"; the Clemson Pledge to End Racism; an interreligious organization in Clemson promoting racial equality and equity


covenant - an agreement between parties; among UU's, the pacts that govern the way we agree to work and worship together


GA - General Assembly; typically the UUA GA


Humanism - a faith based largely upon reason, science, art and the human experience rather than, or as, the divine


OWL (Our Whole Lives)  - a comprehensive, holistic youth education program addressing sexual education, gender issues, relationships and spirituality


R.E. - Religious Education; a former name for Lifelong Faith Formation, still sometimes used as shorthand, usually for Children & Youth classes


SCUUJA  - South Carolina UU Justice Association;


UU -Unitarian Universalist; as in UUFC, UU 101, UUA


UUA - Unitarian Universalist Association; learn more


Do UU's Believe In Jesus?


In general, we believe that Jesus was an exemplary leader who chose love and service over self-interest; a reformer, a dissadent, and a political prisoner who challenged his followers to seek change in an unjust culture and to seek wholeness over division. 


Read More About UU Beliefs on Jesus >

More Questions about Unitarian Universalism...​

Why did the Unitarian Universalist  cross the road?
To support the chicken in the search for its own path.

How many UUs does it take to change a lightbulb?

None. We accept the lightbulb just the way it is.

Do you deny the divinity of Christ?

No. We don't deny the divinity of anyone.

What is the UU Holy Trinity?

Reduce, reuse, recycle.

What is the UU Holy Trinity?

Reduce, reuse, recycle.

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